For one reason or the other, you might find it wise to hire a part time domestic helper as opposed to a permanent one. However, this does not mean that you should overlook some of the key aspects when hiring such a helper. It has been realized that most home owners make common mistakes when it comes to hiring part time domestic helper. The end result is a chain of regrets and even deeper messes. To avoid suffering the same fate, it is advised that you seal all loopholes that can trigger serious problems with your part time domestic helper in the end. In other words, everything must be done keenly to avoid making simple or intense mistakes when hiring such workers
Below is a list of 5 common mistakes that you must keep off when hiring a part time domestic helper:
1. Minimal or No Background Screening
Most people tend to assume that the domestic helper they have hired is credible and trustworthy. However, they forget that doing so is a very big risk. The fact that you have gotten a part time domestic helper from a credible source does not mean that you should overlook close screening on the same. More to the point, you should avoid judging a domestic helper by considering the fundamental requirements only. It is greatly advised that you undertake an extensive background check on the part time domestic helper you intend to hire. This should help you reveal the real image of the person in question. Your main focus should be on things like criminal records, sexual offence records among others. The basic idea is to unearth any funny and unappealing trait in the person you are about to hire. Needless to say, only a person with the best image should be hired for the post.
2. Lack of Preliminary Job description
One of the things that any potential domestic helper aspires to know about is the duties he will be embarking on upon being hired. Employers tend to make a mistake and hire such helpers without specifying the kind of duties to be performed by the subject. It is important to first note that different domestic helpers bear different specialties. In other words, there may be some tasks that a certain helper can handle conveniently while others may be beyond their knowledge.
The importance of specifying the duties ahead is to help the potential helper weigh if he/she is up to the task or not. In a different note, lack of preliminary job description can easily instill a negative working mindset in any domestic helper. Cases have been reported where domestic helpers complain of being overworked. Some even drop their jobs since the task ahead is far beyond their expectations. To evade all this, it is imperative to make things clear by defining all duties entitled to your part time domestic helper. It is also important to alert the helper if there are any possible additional tasks at one point or the other.
3. Lack of Job Agreement
Aside from oral job description, it is very important to put everything on paper. The fact that your domestic helper is working on part time basis does not imply that an agreement should not be involved. Any job, be it short-term or long-term, must be bound by an agreement. In this regard, it is important to craft a comprehensive agreement that clearly states the terms and conditions of job, duties, compensation and any other vital thing that has a direct impact on the domestic helper.
Once crafted, the agreement should be presented to your potential domestic helper for thorough scrutiny. The helper should read and understand the agreement and eventually decide if it can be complied with or not. However, employers must be very realistic when setting the rules of the game. The agreement should have equal impact on both the employer and employee. In other words, none of the party should be oppressed in any way. All copies of the agreements should be signed by both the employer and employee alongside a witnessing party (preferably a lawyer).
4. Failure To Probe/Interview Adequately
It is not wise to overlook the behavioral traits of the part time domestic helper you are about to hire. The worst mistake you can make is to skip interviewing your potential worker. Doing so is as good as working with a total stranger in your house. The idea behind interviewing any potential part time domestic worker is to unearth all traits that can define his/her future while working for you.
Some of the traits should come as an appealing signal while others can only be termed as red flags. If, for instance, you are searching for a part time nanny, the first thing you need to consider is the communication traits she has. After all, such a helper will be interacting with your children hence she must have the best communication skills. An in-depth probe should reveal everything in this regard. Other cases should also follow suit.
5. Unrealistic Payments
If you are hiring a part-time domestic helper for the first time, it is very necessary to first undertake the necessary research. This should help you ascertain the bracket under which domestic helpers’ wages fall. One of the most common mistakes that employers make is to hire services of a domestic helper at ridiculously low price deals. Well, the employer might be willing to take the pathetic offer for some reasons.
However, the confirmed assurance is that you will not get the best services in return. In most cases, employees who are underpaid tend to be slow in their line of duty. This is simply because they are compelled to do so by the returns they get in the end. If you must get impressive services from a part time domestic helper, then paying handsomely is fundamental. Paying nicely is also a way of developing a long-term relationship with your domestic helper.
The above mentioned mistakes are so common in most employers. If they are effectively avoided, it is possible to form a very mutual and beneficial relationship with your part-time domestic helper.