Is the question whether PR can work as part time maid in Singapore disturbing you? The answer is yes, they can work as part time maids provided their welfare is being taken care of. They need to be covered under an insurance cover for their needs. They also need to get paid CPF by cleaning companies like the Singapore Part Time maid . Several companies employ maids in Singapore who end up assigning duties to different households on specific days and times of the week. The maids are given a permit to work under one company. During the maids` assignment, they must permit them to be allowed into different homes where they have been assigned.
How can a part time maid enter the client’s house to offer services?
For a part time maid to enter into a client’s house to offer services, the maid needs to be licensed under the laws of Singapore where a specific company gives her a permit. Besides this, the homeowner has to inform the maid services offering company that in a specific time of the day he needs a maid to be on duty in his house. In case the client needs more maids to be availed in his home for services, the homeowner has to communicate in advance with the specific company to avoid confusion. This is necessary because sometimes the gatekeepers in various homes can deny the maids from entering the homes by mistaking them as intruders in case they have not been fully informed and with specific details from the company.
Why need an insurance cover as a part time maid in Singapore?
The insurance is vital for maids working as part time maids in Singapore. This is mainly because the maids may be caught in mishaps during their duties. Remember, the house cleaning job exposes the cleaners to using various house cleaning equipment such as those that use electricity. This equipment can cause an electrical fault and injure the maid on duty. To protect the maids against further inconveniences, the maids have to be insured. Insurance to maids is critical to protect them against accidents and anything that may happen unexpectedly. It is also a requirement under (WICA), an act of law in Singapore that governs domestic workers in Singapore for them to be under insurance cover during their duties.
How is payment to part time maids made in Singapore?
In Singapore, when you work as a part-time maid you are employed mainly by a company licensed under the domestic workers laws. The law requires the companies to employ the maids and they will be required to pay the maids at the end of the month. The company gets its money for paying the home workers from the clients whom it has employed the maids on behalf. The company will always avail invoices to various homes under which it has assigned maids during the entire period of the month. The clients have presented invoices according to the hours and number of maids who have worked in their homes.