Many circumstances warrant seeking the assistance of a domestic helper. In a household where a woman is a new mother, she definitely needs assistance in taking care of the baby and doing household duties. In a household where a couple have very strict work schedules, there needs to be someone to keep the house in check and cook for the children. Thus the rise of part time maids over the past years in Singapore has been more than a blessing. The fact that there are also companies and agencies that specialize in offering part time maid services has further increased the likeability of part time maids. In this article, we look at the crucial factors to consider when hiring the services of part time maids.
The types of services offered
There are pre-defined services that part time maids offer to their employers. Other services outside this scope amount to more costs. When hiring a part time maid, one should ask about the type of services offered to reduce the cost of hiring. Basically, the services offered by part time cleaners are:
– Vacuuming and mopping floors.
– Keeping rooms well-arranged and tidy.
– Removing any stains on floors, bathrooms and toilets.
– Changing sheets and making beds.
– Cleaning window panes and doors.
– Doing laundry and ironing.
– Cleaning and disinfecting sinks, toilets and bathtubs.
All the costs involved
Cost is a consideration that has to be deeply assessed when hiring a part time maid. Hiring a part time maid does not only involve paying the maid for the number of hours worked for. Where a maid is highly trained and experienced, a person might be compelled to pay an amount that is a bit higher. In additional to that, the costs involved can be very broad. There are several other costs which are catered for by either the employer or the agency. Legal fees is one of the costs incurred when using the services of a part time maid. Legal fees is catered for by the agency or company with which the part time maid is attached to. Apart from legal fees other costs incurred are:
– Security deposit costs
– Insurance cover that caters for medical related expenses
– Insurance cover that caters for personal accident
– Costs involving cleaning equipment and other accessories
Some part time maids charge additional costs when they bring along their cleaning tools. Before hiring, it is good to be deeply aware if there will be costs involving cleaning equipment.
Employer costs
When initially hiring a part time maid in Singapore, a person must successfully undertake a program known as employer’s orientation program. It is mandatory for a person to complete this program using e-learning or attend physical sessions which cost about $30 and $20 respectively.
Surveillance costs
Cases of theft in homes resulting from hiring maids are not a rare occurrence. A person may be forced to install surveillance cameras at home to enhance security of his or her possessions. The cost of hiring part time maids also increase if the maid is a foreigner. In Singapore for instance, maids are scarce thus difficult to get. Therefore, many people decide to hire foreign maids. As a matter of fact, majority of maids in Singapore originate from Indonesia. In this case, there are costs that need to be addressed such as settling in program fee.
Possession of legal documents
There are two legal documents that part time maids are required to have for them to legally work in Singapore. These documents are an identification card and work permit. A potential employer needs to first confirm a part time maid has these two documents before hiring her.
Possession of skills and qualifications
Although housekeeping jobs are considered as basic jobs, a part time maid must have certain skills and qualifications other than the normal training. A key requirement is possession of soft skills. Soft skills cut across all types of jobs since through these skills, a maid and her employer are able to develop proper working relations. Skills such as basic communication skills and interpersonal skills are vital for a prospective part time maid to effectively fit in the working environment. The maid must extend proper customer service to her employer through demonstrating courtesy. The maid has to also learn to establish cordial relations with children and other people in a household. Safety is also another concern. A maid has to handle and operate electronic and non-electronic items in a home in a safe way to avoid damage.
Geographical location
A part time maid who resides very far from your current location may be unreliable to work with. If you need her services urgently, it will take time for her to get to your house which means there will be a lot of delays before the work is completed. So do consider using a part time maid whether she is a freelance maid or from an agency with the full knowledge that she is readily accessible.
Choosing between hiring a freelance agent and from a reputable cleaning company
A freelance agent is less expensive than hiring a part time maid from a reputable cleaning company. But there are dangers of hiring a freelance agent. Some of the freelance agents do not operate according to the legal guidelines stipulated by the government. Some fail to apply for citizenship in Singapore and offer their services illegally. A person thus risks being charged with breaking the law if the freelance agent is operating illegally. Most freelance agents also are not fully trustworthy which puts a house owner at risk of theft. It is therefore more convenient to hire a maid from a reputable company although it might cost more.
An interview session with the part time maid
A cleaning company will provide a professional part time maid who has been thoroughly assessed to fit the needs of a client. But a person needs to understand the maid better by conducting a one on one interview. The aim of the interview should be to find out:
– If the maid has worked previously as a part time domestic helper.
– If she can deal with cooking appliances and other household equipment.
– If she can experience in child care by inquiring whether she has children.
– What she is talented at.
– What stimulates her to work as a domestic helper.
In conclusion
Part time maids assist people to manage their households. When hiring part time maids people should ensure the maids are well trained, fulfil all the legal requirements, trustworthy and provide quality services.