Cleaning your house is one of the most basic things that you need to do to maintain a proper and healthy lifestyle. But in Singapore many people do job for entire week and they get time t clean their house on weekends only. In that kind of situation such people prefer to hire weekly cleaning services for cleaning of their condo and there is nothing wrong in it. However, many people make some mistakes while hiring weekly cleaning services and as a result of that they end up having a lot of complications or problems in their cleaning work. I am assuming you do not want to face these complication for your weekly cleaning of your condo and that’s why I would suggest you not to make following few mistakes while hiring a condo weekly cleaning service for your condo cleaning.
Cheapest company selection:
Saving money should be the first priority of every individual and I don’t blame you if you have such thoughts in your mind. However, when you chose a weekly cleaning service for your condo cleaning, then I would not recommend you to take your decision only on the basis of cost. If you will choose the cheapest company without looking at other factors then you may or may not get the desires output from it and you will have nothing else to say for them. Instead of that I would encourage you to choose a company that not only offer cheap cost for the weekly cleaning but it should give you assurance of better services as well.
Hiring a professional over phone:
When you thing about weekly cleaning for your condo, then you shall enquire about that on phone and that is the best thing that you can do for this enquiry. But few people take one step further and they hire the condo cleaning company over phone for their weekly cleaning. This is something that I would consider as one of the biggest mistakes by people because when you hire a company for your condo cleaning on phone, then you do not get any contract from them and you do not get enough time to do the enquiry about that company. Hence, it is strongly recommended that you never hire any cleaning company over phone for weekly cleaning of your condo.
Not choosing a recognized company:
Sometime people get some references for a cleaning company from the internet or other sources and they choose that company on the basis of those references. Well, I am not saying that non recognized companies may not offer the best quality to you, but you never get an assurance for the quality. If you are lucky, then you may get the good services for your weekly cleaning, but if you are not that much lucky then you might not get the desired output from it and you can end up having a dirty and untidy condo on the Monday morning. But if you will choose a recognized company then that company will try to save its reputation and it will do the weekly cleaning for you condo in the best possible manner.
Hiring a company without contact:
You can easily get a lot of weekly cleaning companies that can offer the best services for your condo cleaning and they can do the promise also on verbal manner. But they do not offer any contract for same and many time people also hire such companies for their condo cleaning without any proper contract. If you would ask me, I would never recommend you to choose any weekly cleaning company that does not do the work on the basis of proper contract. This proper contract will help you get the best outcome from your cleaning according to your requirement.
Not having proper terms in contract:
Sometime weekly cleaning companies do provide the contract to their customer, but they do not specify each and everything as per discussion. Because of this customer find neither gets the liberty to reject the contract without paying the money nor he get the required cleaning in his condo by that particular weekly cleaning company. So, if you don’t know wish to have this particular issue, then it is a good idea that you read each and everything written in the contract and if you are satisfied with that contract then only sign it else just reject the offer and choose a new company for this.
Choosing a non verified cleaning company:
This is one of the biggest mistakes that people can do while choosing any weekly cleaning company for their condo. You need to understand that you welcome a complete stranger in your house by this service and you cannot have anything in your hand for that complete stranger. However, many people choose a non verified cleaning person or company and then they always remain vulnerable to all kind of unwanted situation. In order to avoid such situation it is necessary you choose only a company that hire only verified cleaning personal that can give complete assurance of safety and security.
Not taking people’s opinion:
Not taking peoples opinion or comments is one more mistake that many people make while choosing a cleaning company for weekly cleaning of their condo. You need to understand that comments and peoples opinion can tell you more about a company and its working style and these comments can help you choose the best company in the simplest possible manner. So, if you do not want to face this complication then it is good idea that you do not hire any company without taking people’s opinion.
If you can avoid these mistakes and if you can follow all the suggestion that I shared above with you, then you will surely get the best company for weekly clearing of your condo. Also, these tips can help get the best company also that will not only give you best cleaning but it will keep you away from any kind of dilemma also related to cleaning or security of your condo.