While staying in a dirty home is not enjoyable, sometimes the thought of cleaning it is just too much. The most annoying job is perhaps ensuring that our home is clean. With too many people staying around, it’s very easy to mess even when we know that cleaning is very difficult. This is why most people hire a maid to help with the process. In fact, there are a number of companies that offer such services in Singapore. But if you do not want to hire a cleaner, here are some of the best house cleaning tips in Singapore.
· Plan on when you will do the cleaning- Before doing anything, it’s very important to choose the exact day when you will carry out the task. Although during the weekends or over the holidays is good, make sure you choose a day that you can dedicate a lot of time and when you don’t have a lot of work to do. If you have children, have someone take care of them while you are engaged in the cleaning process. Remember, small kids may constantly interrupt you thereby interfering with the whole process.
· Come up with a proper checklist- Once you’ve set day, you need to come up with proper guideline. First, ensure that you have everything. By having a checklist, you will know everything that you need beforehand. This way, you will not waste any time once you start cleaning your house.
· Always clean from the top to the bottom- While most people don’t understand this, this is a very simple strategy. By cleaning your floor last, you will not be shaking dust onto everything that you’ve already cleaned. When vacuuming the house, start with the farthest point and then move out of the room. Instead of scrubbing and wiping in a circular motion, make sure you do it in straight lines. It’s also very important to visualize the whole area and then break it down into grids. By doing this, you won’t miss cleaning any part of the house. This is perhaps one of the best house cleaning tips to master.
· Create some storage space and de-clutter your house- Although there are some things in the house that are very important because they remind us of special occasions, there are some that we just don’t need. These things may be all over the place and can sometimes be found among piles of junk. It’s, therefore, very important to sort out these and put them in storage. For things that you do not want, you need to sell them or even donate them to those who need them and keep only important things. If you want to have a house that’s free of clutter then you need to stick to this.
· Clean your bedroom and bathroom- One of the most important rooms in the house is the bedroom. You, therefore, need to clean it regularly. Make sure, you change your bed covers at least once a week. In order to prevent the growth of bedbugs, keep your bed clean. Remember bed bugs can lead to some allergic reactions especially to those who are allergic to them. Once you are done with the bedroom you need to move to the bathroom make sure you wipe your toilet seat, then wash and rinse all the items that are found in the bathroom. If you want to prevent the growth of any mold then these cleaning tips are very important.
· Clean the kitchen and do away with any trash- If you want your house to remain clean then you need to remove the trashes daily. Try to do this at least once a day. Since trash may contain dangerous substances, avoid leaving them in the house for too long. Also, spend a substantial amount of time cleaning your kitchen. Always make sure that your kitchen is as clean as possible. While cleaning the kitchen make sure you wipe down all the places including stove, sick, walls countertops among others. Instead of waiting up to the weekend you need to clean your kitchen anytime you are done with the cooking.
· Attend to stains and spills as soon as possible – There will be a time when someone will spill something on your carpet or kitchen floor. If this happens, you need to address it as soon as possible. By doing this, you will greatly reduce the amount of staining while also dealing with the situation automatically and calmly. Also, make sure you have door racks and doormats to help prevent mud from getting into the house. Remove dirty shoes and socks and place them in the utility room so that you can protect the rest of the house from dripping of mud.
· Arrange the living room- Once you are done with the kitchen and the bathroom then you should move to the living room. Try to clean your sofa regularly. Since there are very good vacuums out there, cleaning your sofa should not be a problem. You also need to arrange all the books and the other things found in the living room well.
· Hire a professional leaning company- If you are not sure then you need to hire a professional cleaning company in Singapore. These companies usually provide expertise on a wide range of services including decoration and cleaning. Their services are not only top notch but excellent as well. Once they are done, they will leave your house looking sparkling clean and marvelous.
Although their services are delivered well you must be prepared to part with some cash. More so, since they are reliable, you can use them regularly especially if you are juggling so many jobs. This will ensure that you spend time on the most important things.
Final thoughts
These are some of the most effective tips that you can apply to ensure that you remain in a clean home. If you do not want to handle all these cleaning jobs, then it’s advisable to hire a professional cleaning company. Although there are very good cleaning companies in Singapore, you need to use the best company so as to avoid experiencing any problem in future.