There are a lot of people that have a hard time understanding how they are going to be wise about creating their house cleaning schedule. When you are creating a schedule to clean your home you want to make sure that it is consistent and it is efficient. The key to keeping your home tidy and organized is to create a house cleaning schedule. You have to make a plan and stick to it! You might have to make some adjustments here and there along the way but that’s okay, don’t be afraid to get started.
Where to Start:
First, make a list of all of your house cleaning tasks or chores. After you have compiled the list, go through it to see which chores should be done weekly, bi-weekly, monthly, and quarterly. After your list is made, then begin to make your house cleaning schedule. A good house cleaning schedule consists of some good cleaning supplies and great organizational tools.
To determine how long you will spend on house cleaning depends on a number of things, for instance, your family size, and your general idea of CLEAN, meaning do you require a top to bottom spotless home? Do you want your baseboards to be cleaned? Do you require everything fixture in your bathroom to shine? These are some of the questions you should ask yourself before you start to make your house cleaning schedule.
After you have made your house cleaning schedule attach it to your refrigerator so that you can see it every day, and so that you can follow it. If you do not have the time or energy to make a house cleaning schedule or to do your chores then you can hire a maid service to do it for you. By sticking to your plan you will have a tidy and fresh home to be proud of. Soon you will have the time to do the things that are really important to you, like spending time with friends, family, shopping, etc.
Cleaning Supplies:
All-purpose Cleaner
Microfiber Towels
Toilet Bowl Cleaner
Scouring Pads
Long Handled Duster
Furniture Polish
Floor Cleaner
No one likes a dirty disorganized house, just the thought of it, is downright exhausting! By taking the time to map out everything so that your schedule is something you can do daily will make things much easier for you. Remember don’t be afraid to fine tune your list if you have it as your schedule changes. Don’t try and do everything one day of the week, do a little bit every day so that you don’t feel overwhelmed.
A good tip for you would be to purchase a calendar and post your task on the day of the week you want to do it, this will help with the visual effect of you and your family members seeing it every day. Now it’s time for you to sit back and relax and enjoy your nice clean home. Having the house clean is not just about conducting either a routine house cleaning or a thorough house cleaning. It is about knowing how to do your house cleaning with expertise and efficiency. You may not be having a lot of time to do all the work. It is therefore important to know how to go about various house cleaning steps. Making a proper plan of the activities that need to be tackled would save you a great deal of time.
You can decide to do bit by bit house cleaning or an extended house cleaning. This will depend on the amount of time you have. Planning also takes the items to be cleaned. You can plan to start with those that do not require too much emphasis or those that may need a keen eye. It is however, advisable to start with the hard cleaning then you can proceed to the light ones. Start with high parts of the home like the roof and walls. You can proceed to lower surfaces like a table top and finalize with the floor. This would help you not to take forever in your house cleaning by having already cleaned places filled by dust.
It is also proper to sort out things according to type. Cleaning like items together makes house cleaning easy. When planning a house cleaning, put the availability of cleaning resources in mind. Make sure that you can work within your means and that the house cleaning does not turn out to be an expensive venture. If you have to buy extra house cleaning supplies, make a proper budget for them. Otherwise, you will have to plan how to use the available resources and still have the cleaning job well done.
It is also necessary to plan who will do the house cleaning job. This is important if the chores are more than you can handle single-handedly. While planning, you can be able to determine which parts you would be able to handle and those that may need an extra hand. Going for the services of a house cleaning company may be determined by the amount of work required to be done and the amount of time available to accomplish the work. Also the lack of expertise in some house cleaning needs which you may be faced with can make you to look for a qualified person to handle it.
As you plan your house cleaning, it would be best to put it on a day with no other commitments. This would allow you to have adequate time to handle the house cleaning without disruptions. If you concentrate in the cleaning jobs you are doing, you would be sure to have the home in perfect condition in the end. Whether you are doing your own house cleaning or is having a cleaning company do it for you, its success depends on how you have it planned out. Make sure you plan what you need before the house cleaning can commence.