Most people in Singapore prefer to hire full time maids. However, there are many others who would rather hire part time maids to help them in their homes. This is mostly because they want to protect their privacy. With a part time maid, you will be able to enjoy more privacy than having a full time maid. There are other people who want part time maids because they don’t have much work to be done in their homes. Whatever the reason why you have preference for a maid who works for you part time, you are definitely wondering whether it is legal to hire a part time maid.
Is part time maid legal in Singapore?
It is legal to hire a part time maid in Singapore. However, you need to be careful to ensure that you hire the right people. You can get into trouble with the law when you hire maids that are not suited for the job. You will be breaking the law when you seek the services of a maid that has not met all the requirements of the job. That is why it is very important to check the background of each individual candidate before you decide to hire them as your maid.
How to ensure that you are hiring a legal part time maid
There are so many things that you need to do to ensure that you do not break the law when looking for a maid to work for you on a part time basis. The things that you should do include:
1. Make sure that the maid is a permanent resident of Singapore or has a valid work permit
It is illegal to hire people who do not have the permit that allows them to work in Singapore. If you hire someone that has no work permit, you might get into very serious trouble with the law enforcers. That is why it is your personal responsibility to make sure that the part time maid that you intend to hire is free to work in Singapore. It is always advisable to go for people who are permanent residents of Singapore. This helps to eliminate the risk of hiring people who do not have permission to work in Singapore. You can so hire people from other countries after ensuring that they have valid work permits. Check with the relevant government authorities to ensure that the person that you intend to hire as a part time maid has the genuine documents that are required to work in Singapore.
2. Hire a maid from reputable cleaning service
If you are dealing with a cleaning company, you have to ensure that the company is reputable in the field of provision of maid services. Do not hire a company that has not built a good name for itself by providing quality services. Do not choose a cleaning company that has many complains from customers who sought its services before. If there are so many complains, it is highly likely that you too will get into the list of people who are complaining. If most of the people who sought the service of the company before are really happy with the maid that helped them with the chores in their homes, you should not hesitate to hire maids from the company. There is a high chance that you too will be happy with the services that you will get from a part time maid who comes from a company with happy clients.
3. Make sure that he/she has the license operate
To be able to provide maid or cleaning services in Singapore, one has to get a license from the relevant government authorities. Employing someone without a license is illegal. That is why it is really important for you to ensure that the person that you intend to hire is fully licensed to provide part time service in Singapore. If you are dealing with a company, you have to check whether it has all the necessary licenses. When your maid has a valid license, you can be sure that he/she has complied with all the legal requirements. You will not have to worry that you are hiring someone that the authorities don’t have information about.
4. Take time to interview the maid
Before you finally settle for a given maid, you should spare some time to carry out an interview. An interview will not only help you to get more information about the maid but it will also help you to familiarize with the maid. Remember, you will leave huge responsibilities to your maid. You have to ensure that he/she is a person that can handle all the responsibilities that you are going to allocate to him/her. Feel free to ask all the questions that you may have in mind during the interview. Talk about the nature of the work that you intend to give to your maid and watch out for the responses. Only hire a part time maid who is ready to handle all the tasks that you intend to allocate to him/her.
5. Ask about the working hours working
It is very important to talk about the working hours with your maid or the company that you will get your maid from. This will help you ensure that you have the services of your maid when you need them. Ask your maid whether he /she will be comfortable working with your schedule. Your part time maid should always be available for you when you need him/her. If a given part time maid cannot keep up with your schedule, it will be wise to look for another maid.
It is legal to hire a part time maid in Singapore provided that you comply with the set regulations. Hiring a maid who works on a part time basis not only helps you to remain private but it will also help you to save money. This is because the amount of money that you are going to pay a part tome maid will be significantly lower than the amount of money that you use to pay a full time maid.